ELT Signposts

UDL and Technology

Rob Weale has written an extended blog post titled ‘Universal Design for Learning (UDL) – with Technology’ which explores the interface between digital technology and UDL, and presents a mechanism which aims to broker an initial engagement between educators and the use of digital technologies specifically for UDL.

See: http://rweale.our-archive.dmu.ac.uk/2017/10/02/universal-design-for-learning-with-technology/

DMU Replay

Three issues that you may experience . . .

1. There is currently a glitch whereby staff are incorrectly added to DMU Replay recordings that are not their own! ITMS are aware of the issue and are working with Panopto to resolve it.

2. When attempting to add a link to a DMU Replay recording in Blackboard you are presented with the following:

If so, follow these guidelines: http://celt.our-archive.dmu.ac.uk/panopto-provisioning-a-blackboard-shell-quickguide/

3. When recording a session you find that there is no module folder for this year (2018) available to be selected. E.g.

If this happens:

Step 1) record to last year’s module (or any other folder you have access to)

Step 2) after the recording has been made, create a folder for this year’s module – following this guide:

Step 3) move the new recording into the new module folder – following this guide

Step 4) create a link to it in blackboard –