ELT Signposts

Student learning technology sessions

Rob Weale is running some sessions for HLS students.

Introduction to Turnitin similarity reports (text matching reports)
This brief session gives a detailed overview of similarity reports (text matching reports) in Turnitin. Helping students to better understand how the text matching report is used to identify referencing inconsistencies. Duration: 45min.

Adding bookmarks and notes to DMU Replay recordings
This brief session explores the effective use of the bookmarking, note making and note sharing facility in DMU Replay recordings. The use of these little known functions can be very useful for revision purposes. Duration: 30min.

Students can find out more information and book on the sessions at:


Please disseminate this information to your students, if/where possible.

Blockbuster Quiz for active classroom activity

Rob Weale and Julian Stribling have collaborated on the development of a Blockbuster style quiz that can be used in a live classroom session. The quiz, which is built in PowerPoint can be an effective means of breaking up a long lecture by introducing an active learning activity which includes knowledge checking.

Comprehensive instructions about how to use the template to create a quiz and deploy it in the classroom can be found on the CELT Hub at:


The quiz has been used several times with students, and has received very positive comments so far.

If you have used it in the classroom, please could you let Rob (rweale@dmu.ac.uk) know how well it was received by students and if you found it a useful resource. Negative reviews are as welcome as positive ones.

HLS Faculty Blackboard Community shell

A new section – eLearning Support – has been added to the HLS Blackboard Community shell for students. It contains links to key information about the use of learning technologies at DMU, as well as links to workshops for students about the use of learning technologies.