DL&T Signposts

Changes to the CELT team

This might be old news to some. The CELT team have undergone a slight re-branding. We are now part of the Centre for Academic Innovation and Teaching Excellence (CAITE). We are no longer CELT, we are the Digital Learning and Teaching team (DL&T). Our working remit has not changed – it’s business as usual – and I (Rob Weale) remain your faculty support contact for all things digital teaching and learning. My role title has also changed – I’m now a Digital Teaching and Learning Consultant. I have changed office – but still located in Edith Murphy (EM2.22). If you need a reminder as to what my remit covers – read this.

Given that we will be changing our VLE for next year – from September 2023 – (see below) I’m looking forward to working with you all in exploring how best to utilise the new VLE for your specific teaching, learning and assessment requirements.


We will be changing to a new VLE in September 2023. The system is called Bright Space and it is provided by a company called D2L. For more info see: DMU to launch new Virtual Learning Environment (sharepoint.com)

We will keep you updated with info about the roll out, training & development, and support.

Changes to Turnitin

The way that we are able to access and set Turnitin assignments in Blackboard has changed. We have provided information about the changes to Turnitin and additional resources to support your use of Turnitin.

Also, having created a Turnitin submission link, an adaptive release message will appear with the link – you can ignore this message. The link will be available to all students on the module.

Online drop-in sessions.

The Digital Learning and Teaching team continue to provide virtual staff drop-in sessions twice weekly (Wednesday 2 – 3 pm and Thursday 10 – 11 am) to support all aspects of your use of learning technologies.  Members of the Digital Learning and Teaching team will be available to consult in this Teams meeting space.

Note: if you access this Teams area outside of the scheduled drop-in times – there will be no one there.

Introduction to learning technologies at DMU for new HLS staff

A reminder that any new academic staff (who have not yet done so) are advised to attend the following central training sessions about the use of technologies for teaching, learning and assessment.

  • Introduction to ELT at DMU
  • DMU Replay overview
  • Introduction to Turnitin
  • Intro to teaching in Teams

These sessions can be booked via the My Development tile on the DMU Hub (https://dmuhub.dmu.ac.uk)

If you are unable to attend these sessions, Rob is running some extra sessions. The dates, times and booking can be found via the following links:

Introduction to learning technologies at DMU for new HLS staff

Introduction to Turnitin

Introduction to recording with DMU Replay

Introduction to online teaching in Microsoft Teams

Rob is also running the following sessions for HLS staff, if interested:

Creating rich media resources with DMU Replay

Scenario-based learning via technology

Open Educational Resources (OER)